Syscoin Weekly Update #42

3 min readMar 27, 2019


This weekly update is written by the community for the community, to bring you all the latest Syscoin, Blockchain Foundry and SCMT news! Weekly updates, other articles and a lot more can also be found on the new website!

Syscoin and Blockchain Foundry News

TokenInsight ranks Syscoin #1

San Francisco-based data analytics corp. TokenInsight has ranked Syscoin the #1 blockchain platform for Business & Rental applications and gives it a “Stable Outlook” rating.

Check it out here:

Rise Top 100 Blockchain Leaderboard

Syscoin ranks #8. With the help of partners like LODE & AGXpay, the recent Token Insight ranking as well as more crypto services including Syscoin as an option for their customers; Syscoin successfully emerges as the 8th most influential blockchain organization on the Rise.Global Blockchain Top 100 Leaderboard.

The List of FIAT/SYS Trading Pairs and Exchanges is Growing!

Thanks to community member Moo_baa we now have full oversight over the FIAT/SYS trading pairs on the block. Keep it up Syscoin Community!

Check out the article in detail here:

Summary of the weekly AMA with Dan

Q: DID is mission-critical for me. 2 weeks ago you posted bunch of github links for existing DID repos. Can you boil down which, if any, of these repos will be needed as dependencies for the sys-DID, or will one of these be forked? I eventually want to create a sys-DID tutorial video and will want to walk viewers through the entire download and build. Thanks !!

A: We’re working on developing a SYS DID spec, and as part of that we’d also stand up and run a resolver and that spec can evolve or link with other DIDs.

Like I know you are very interested in medical applications for DID, you could anchor a medical-sys DID on the sys chain and then tie it into the root SYS did as well. Then if you wanted to resolve those medical-sys DIDs you would need to run that stack I mentioned, but that’s to say only ‘resolvers’ need to run that stack, which BCF is likely going to volunteer to be the first of on a root-sys DID. And that example (if funded) should make it easy for others to standup more niche-specific DIDs on sys.

Q: Is the sys4 repo/branch functional?

A: yes! its on testnet, jag and I are testing superblock things right now and should have a bridge transaction within the next week… expect videos.

Q: So Blockmarket 4 will be released? Or proposal to make that happen?

A: Proposal, I think the Fusion wallet being developed by SDT will prob takeover that role + qt.

SCMT Twitter account

For all the official and latest news releases please follow us for all the latest community news via our SCMT Twitter account, as well as hot-off-the-press Syscoin and BCF updates. The Syscoin team will also share our posts via their official social networking channels, to help spread the word.

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Written by Syscoin

Trustless Interoperability. Token & Asset Micro-Transactions. Bitcoin Core Compliant - Merge Mined.

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